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(chatquestion)...Page pora YOOJOI8 Environmental Issues 683 6 Kyoto Protocol (December, 1997) : It too, obtained commitments to reduce emission of house gases at 5% level below 1990, by 2008-2012. It was held in Kyoto, Japan. O Beijing Protocol (1999) : It dif countries to reduce emission of ozone depleting substances. green- ently mentioned the steps taken by developed and developing DEFORESTATION Deforestation is removal, decrease or deterioration of forest cover of an area. It is a threat to the quality of life, country's economy and future development. The current rate of deforestation is estimated to be more than 10 million ha/year. If this rate continues, it is feared that the remaining tropical forest may dissappear within a century. > Causes of deforestation : The main causes are as follows- O Explosion of human population : Due to over population of human beings, requirement of timber, fuel, paper, wood etc. has increased. Man has cleared large areas of forests for agriculture, housing, facto- ries, roads and railway tracks. Construction of roads along the mountains which cover nearly 30,000 km in ecologically fragile area is another cause of forest degradation. Mining and quarrying have also contributed in the large scale felling of trees. Ihuming (Shifting Cultivation) : It is a slash and burn agriculture method of


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