(chatquestion)...the following results were obtained for a set of data:
E(x-X) (y-y)= 20, E(x- x) 20, Z(y-7)-80, X = 5, y 10, n 12
Then for the regression line Y-Bo +B,x, the value of Bo equals.
मान लीजिए कि किसी समंक-समुच्चय में निम्नलिखित परिणाम पाये गये
E(x-)(y-y)= 20, E (x- X) 20, E(y-y)-80, x-5,7-10, n 12
तो समाश्रयण रेखा Y-o+ B,x, के लिए Bo का मान होगा :
(1) -3
(2) 2
(3) 5
(4) 10
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