(chatquestion)...>CCI, > (CH,),C > (CH ),CH
(b) (CH ).CH > CCI, > C,H¸CH, > (CH,),C
yCI,>C,H.CH , > (CH, ),CH >(CH,),C
id (H},E> (CH ),CH C,H CH, > CI,
For a certain process, AH = 280 kJ and AS = 140 J K-
which the process will be spontaneous?
mol. What is the minimum temperature at
The C and C ofa gas are 20.834 and 12.520 J K"nof' respectively. What is the atomicity of the gas?
What would happen if the greenhouse gases were totaly missing in the earth's atmosphere?
How are 0.50 mol Na,CO, and 0.50 M Na,CO, different?
Boyle's law states that at constant temperature, if pressure is increased ont. gas, voiunme decreases and
VICC-versa, but when we fill air in a balloon, volume asall as pressure inLrease. Why?
dancityoffica less than that of