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(chatquestion)...solation Membrane water A thistle funnel is filled wvith sucrose solution and kent inyerted in a beaker containin A demonstration of osmosis. (a) Water will diffuse across the membrane (as shown by arrows) to raise the level of the solution in the funnel (b) Pressure can be applied (as showvn) to stop the water movement into tie OSMOTIC PRESSURE yO.P. of solution is equal to that external pressure, which required to be appied on solution in order to prevent osmosis or entry of water in it when the hypotonic ana solutions are separated by a semipermeable membrane." he osmOtic pressure of pure water is zero. O.P. is due to presence of solute into the so The osmotic pressure of a solution is directly proportional to the concentration of sSolute t. Sequence of OP Hydrophytes < Mesophytes <Xerophytes < Halophytes. %3D The highest osmotic pressure is fõund in the halophyte group. Atriplex confertifolna Osmotic pressure of a solution is measured by osmometer.


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