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(chatquestion)...(D) F and P (C) G and F MATCH LIST TYPE This question contains two matching lists. Choices for the correct combination of elements from Lista e List-ll are given as option (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which one is correct. Two identical speakers emit sound waves of frequency 680 Hz uniformly in all directions with a total output of 1mW each. The speed of sound in air is 340 m/s. A point P is at a distance 2m from one speaker and 3m from the other. Match the following. List - II List - I The intensity due to a speaker at point P which is 2 m (P) 5.6 x 10 W/m? (1) from the source If the speakers are driven coherently and in phase, the (Q) intensity at point P will be due to both speakers 2.2x 106 W/m2 (2) If they are driven coherently but out of phase by 180°, (R) the intensity at point P will be due to both speakers 2.9 x 10 W/m? (3) If the speakers are incoherent, the intensity at point P (S) will be due to both speakers 2 x 105 w/m2 (4) Codes: 4 3 (A) (B) 4. 4. 3. St231 P234 2


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