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(chatquestion)...What is the average speed of the particle over the Intervals in (a) and (b) 2 The velocity-time graph of a particle In one-dimensional motion is sho Fig. 3.29: 3.28 Consider the pote where coordina Suppose now that the decrease and approach o the line PQ as dg-0, u0. You cn potnt P as shown in Pg 3.30 Tha m P. denoted by m t1 t2 Fig. 3.29 The limit of the ratio by/x as Ax au and is written as dy/dx It represe point (x, y). Since y= fd and y+Ay SL Which of the following formulae are correct for describing the motion of the particle over the time-interval t, tot: (a) xft,) = xft,) + v (t,) (4,-4,) fA a (t,-t,P (b) vit,) = vft,) + a (t,-t,) (c) v = (xit) - xt,))/(t,- t,) 3 (ult,) – v(t,))/(L, - t,) dy erge (d) a (e) xit,)= xft,) +v W xit,)- xft,) = area under the v-t curve bounded by the t-axis and the dotted line shown. dx dx (t-t)+(2) a (t,-t,P Guerage average Given below are some elemes represent arbitrary function: of y Derivatives of some C


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