stand a pressure of 1 x 10° Pa.
cylinder = 1800 K). Which of the following statement is true?
(A) The cylinder will burst before melting
(B) The cylinder will not burst before melting
(C) At 1800 K the pressure inside the cylinder is 5 x 10° Pa
(D) He gas will solidify at 1800 K
Which of the following gas has larger value of Vander Waal's constant 'b'?
(A) NH3
(B) N2
(C) N3H
(D) N¿H4
A porous cup filled with hydrogen gas at atmospheric pressure is connectec
which has one end immersed in water. Water in the tube
(A) will rise
(C) will remain at same level
(B) will fall
(D) cannot be predicted.
idontical exnerimental conditions which of the following pair of gase...(30)