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(chatquestion)...finition 2 AOP circle and cut off as, BLATION BETWEEN DEGREES AND RADIAN GAand eutoff an ton the drle e duce AO to meet Twesador a de wish centre Oandradtheer Let Ateapo 1 radian n d length egual to the radnesof the circde The AOB-a straight angle-2 right angles m e ares subtending them We Amow that the angles at the centre of a circle are proportional them. are AP arc APB LAOP 2right angles Circumference) are APB rightangles 2- Fig. 4.11 180° Hence, One radian = 180° → n radians = 180°. REMARK I Clearly, arc (APBQA) = 2 nr. So, the measure of angle made by this arc at this centre O of Om pelr the measure of this angle is the measure of one revolution i.e. 360°. 2nradians = 360° = T radians =180° 2nr radians i.e. 2n radians. the circle is fre of the unit circle shown in Fig. Зп radians. 3 Sinceone complete revolution subtends an angle of 2n radians at (27) 4 %3D =(2)= t radians and, 4AOD : are integral multiples of All integral multiples of 2 ZAOB ==x2n =" radians, LAOC= are called the a Thus, quadrant angles ngles. a constana


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