(chatquestion)...7Apommong norIZOAI Uwerer
c) Top of the circle
d) Any point on the circle
23) A particle is describing a circular motion in a vertical plane, It has a velocity of 10m/s in the lowest position.
The maximum radius of the circle is .. (g= 10 m/s')
a) 0.1 m
d) 2.5 m
A particle is in UCM. It has a momentum of magnitude P at a point. When its angular displacement is 120
c) 1.5 m
b) 2.0 m
from the point, the magnitude of change of momentum is
b) PE
c) 3P
a) Zero
d) PNE
25) A conical pendulum has a string of length 1.0 m and rotates with the string inclined at an angle 0 with the