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(chatquestion) of another plant in the (d) Fertilisation of a flower of another plant belong (c) 1 2 (d) 4 4. 3 18. Dr. F Went noted that if coleoptile tips were 25. Male gametophyte wit 2 present in (a) Pteris (b) Funaria removed and placed on agar for one hour, the 20. An aggregate fruit is- agar would produce a bending when placed on one side of freshly cut coleoptile stumps. Of what significance is this experiment? (a) It made possible the isolation and exact identification of auxin (a) multicarpellary sync- multicarpellary apor (c) complete infloresce (d) multicarpellary sup in 27. Pollen tablets are a (c) It supports the hypothesis that IAA is auxin Jd) It demonstrated polar movement of auxins (b) It is the basis for quantitative determination of small amounts of growth-promoting substances (a) In vitro fertilisation (b) breeding prograr supplementing fo (d) Ex situ conserva 19. Deficiency symptoms of nitrogen,and 28. Function of filifor (b) stimulate divisic uce necta ssium are visible first in eloesis young leaves (a) recognise the s....(Is question Ka answer b hoga ya d hoga)


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