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(chatquestion)...TECNO O6 CAMON Due Wednesday, May 05 2021 EcEg1052 (Adane T 8:30am): Assignment #1 J***A******S*k* *1*M***N*VR*I*Y Question 4 Write a c++ program accept any polynomial function find the derivative of the function and the calculated value of function based on given constant number. sample output Enter any polynomial function(f(x)): 23 - 3z2 + 2 -8 Enter the value of x: 2 The derivative of f(x) is: 3x? - 6z + 2 The value of f(2) is: 16 Question 5 Write a c++ program it reads a student details like first name, last name, roll number, marks of different courses then print the student details with name, roll number, total marks, percentage ranks and, status of students. by using structure and function Fuii Name ld Total Mark Average Rank Status 006/05 755 007/05 789.1 AAA BB 75.6 78.9 pass DDD AA pass CCC W 008/05 674.2 67.42 pass failed MMM NN 009/05 453.4 45.34 6. 010/05 901.45 011/05 TTT W 90.14 pass CCC BB 467.89 failed Question 6 Discuss briefly about the following topics with example: • Inline function • Overlcad function • Pointer

Write a c++ program accept any polynomial function find the derivative of the function and the calculated value of function based on given constant number. sample output Enter any polynomial function(f(x)): 23 - 3z2 + 2 -8 Enter the value of x: 2 The derivative of f(x) is: 3x? - 6z + 2 The value of f(2) is: 16

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