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Read the following passage and answer below <br><br> Direction of force acting on a charge moving in a magnetic field <br><br> Since the direction of current is the same as that of the motion of a positive charge, the direction of force acting on it, when moving perpendicular to direction field is the same as that acting on a current carrying conductor placed perpendicular to the direction of magnetic field. The direction of this force is given by Flemming's left-hand rule. Obviously the force acting on a negative charge moving in a direction perpendicular to the field opposite to that acting on a positive charge. <br><br> Question: When both the magnetic field and the electric field are kept in the same direction, as electron which is moving in this field will

$\begin{array}{1 1} (a)\;\text{have its speed increased} \\ (b)\; \text{have its speed decreased} \\ (c)\; \text{will move towards right direction} \\ (d)\; \text{will move towards left direction} \end{array}$

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