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Read the following passage and answer the question below <br><br> A parallel circuit divides the current in various components (appliances) and each component can draw current as per it appropriate operation. Separate on/off switch can be put with each component in parallel circuit. Moreover, total resistance in parallel circuit arrangement decreases and hence a stronger current can be drawn from a voltage source. In parallel combination, the equivalent resistance is lesser than than the least of all the resistance. Connecting a number of resistors in parallel is like providing an equal number of paths, for the electron flow which results in a decrease in resistance. <br><br> Question : A domestic circuit is always connected in ___________ so that the current supply is not disrupted even if one of the circuit goes off

$\begin{array}{1 1} (a)\; \text{parallel} \\ (b)\; \text{series} \\ (c)\; \text{some in series and some in parallel} \\ (d)\; \text{neither in series nor in parallel } \end{array}$

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