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Read the following passage and answer the question given below <br><br> The word energy is often used in our daily life, but in science we give it a precise meaning. Let us consider the following examples : when a fast moving cricket ball hits a stationary wicket, the wicket is thrown away. Similarly, an object when raised to a height gets the capability to do work. You must have seen that when a raised hammer falls on a nail placed on a piece of wood, it drives the nail into the wood. We have also observed children winding a toy and when the toy is placed on the floor it starts moving. When a balloon is filled with air and when we press it we notice a change in shape. As long as we press it gently, it can come back to its original shape when the force is withdrawn. However if we press the balloon hard it might explode. In all these cases the object acquire through different means the capability of doing work.An object having the capability to do work is said to posses energy. The object which does work losses energy and the object on which work is done gains energy. <br><br> QUESTION : The energy possessed by the toy when it moves on the floor is

$\begin{array}{1 1} (a)\; \text{Kinetic energy} \\ (b)\; \text{Potential energy} \\ (c)\; \text{Mechanical energy} \\ (d)\; \text{Sound energy} \end{array}$

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