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Read the passage below and answer the question <br><br> A uniform circular motion is the motion of an object travelling at a constant speed along a circular path.<br><br> Centripetal force is the force required to move the body uniformly in a circle. This force acts along the radius and towards the centre of the circle. In fact when a body moves in a circle, the direction of motion at any instant is along the tangent to the circle at that instant. In other words the direction of motion of a body goes on changing continuously.<br><br> According to Newton's 1st law of motion, a body cannot change its direction of motion by itself. An external force is required for this purpose. It is this force which is called as the centripetal force. <br><br> On account of a continuous change in the direction of motion of the body, there is a change in the velocity of the body. Hence it undergoes an acceleration which is called centripetal acceleration. <br><br> QUESTION : Motion of a body along a circle is

$\begin{array}{1 1} (a)\; \text{uniform motion} \\ (b)\;\text{non-uniform motion} \\ (c)\; \text{accelerated motion} \\ (d)\; \text{none of the above} \end{array}$

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